The Surrealist Comic Experiment, No. 1

I found these comics stuck in the back of a notebook — it is a remnant from a living room Surrealist party from a year and ten months ago — Eglantine Avenue!  This set of images + slogans comes from a Telephone-kind-of game — the first person writes a sentence, passes it to the second person who illustrates the sentence & folds the paper to hide the original sentence.  Then the third person gets it, and must write a sentence to go with the illustration, then folds it over again, and passes it along, and this is making it sound far more complicated than it is to play.

The Surrealist Party Veterans

From the handwriting, I’m guessing these come from Julia, Maciek, John, Jenny, and myself — maybe Michael too.  My favorite is the final coupling!

Surrealist Story Experiment Number oneSurrealist Story Experiment Number one 1Surrealist Story Experiment Number one 2
Surrealist Story Experiment Number one 2a
Surrealist Story Experiment Number one 3
Surrealist Story Experiment Number one 4