The Official Acquaintance of Tony Bag

Order your Tony Novosel Bag!  Each bag is 12 dollars, with 5 going to Tony’s preferred charity, the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.  And you have 3 choices of colors — Red, Blue, or Black.

Just email your order to, Tony Novosel will be yours to carry around the world!

The Tony N bag (1)

It’s finally here, what all of Pittsburgh (and beyond) has been waiting for!  The Official Acquaintance of Tony tote bag.  This one, the prototype, is headed over to Mairead, we’ll see how many more I can unleash upon the world before Tony stops me.

And it was unintentional, that there is a slight Groucho vibe to my version of Tony.  Perhaps this should be the next line of bags: Tony N., The Lost Fifth Marx Brother.  Soon to be followed with Tony N., Bubba Hotep Redux…


Hi Mairead
Karen here from British Council. I work with Tony on the BEI programme. How much are these bags and how do we buy them?
Best Regards

Hi Karen! The bags are 12 dollars each, 5 dollars of which goes to Tony’s chosen charity, the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank. You can send me orders for now — I’m still in the middle of setting up an official shop on the website.
Just let me know if you have any other questions! It’s my mission to spread Tony Novosel’s fame even further (if that is possible)…:) Margaret

Whodathunkit? Something coveted by both my parents and my daughters! Could the TN for President Tote be far behind?