How To Make a Framed Photo Collage

Photo Collage Mosaic Framed

For my brother’s Christmas present, I made this framed square photo collage.  It only cost 15 dollars, but working out the planning and the photographs took me a few days.  So having learned from my mis-starts and experimenting, I’ve written a brief tutorial on how to make a similar collage — a 15.5inch by 15.5 inch collage, in a 16 by 24 frame.  The tutorial is here.

I got my frame from Michaels, 50 percent off during their Holidays sale, and the collage consists of 12 4×6 glossy prints, they cost just $1.50 at the local Giant Eagle.  The key is the software — I used Picasa and Gimp (though I’m sure other image editing software can be used to similar effect).  It’s cheap, you can do it in a few hours, there you go.

And I have to say, this whole idea originated with Agnes Varda’s The Beaches of Agnes, Regent Square Theater.  I loved the collages she made of her life’s photographs — simple, clean, full of sparks — so I tried to follow her lead.  You can see a few of her moving photo collages in the trailer, which itself is full of delights.