The French Disaffected Young Woman Doll

I made her out of salvages from the mysterious surplus-craft-supply secret warehouse in North Belfast. I got snuck in, and rummaged through huge crates of weird remnants of carpet and towel fabrics to find some decent sewable pieces. They all turned out to be fantastically drab colored — my Wonka World fantasies of raspberry and turquoise felts sunk into brown, slate and puke weaves — but still they have some nice sheen to them, and they make a nice background for lapel flowers and mysterious looks.

So here she is, I made her after some French girls I saw in QFT movies. She is tall, almost two feet, and her expression? Well, it’s something.

1 Comment

her expression is greaT:) she might also have some spanish descent, reminds me a little bit frida a little bit almodovar’s women characters.