Pittsburgh Drawn Shirt: The Beechview House

Drawn Shirt - Pittsburgh - the beechview houseI love riding the PAT T through Beechview any time of the day, but especially when the rangy brick houses are lit up for December.  The best parts are the mammoth porches, they are the big curious mouths to the house’s face — two second floor windows for eyes, a peak of tiles for some green hair, a long flight of stairs for the neck.

So I started drawing some of my favorite houses onto shirts — this shirt comes from Johanna, from Berlin, and it’s the nicest shirt I’ve drawn on — a finely stitched silk.  I was a bit nervous to touch the pen to it, but a few cups of coffee later I could hardly stop.

I’m not sure whether I’m finished here yet, I’ll let this one sit and see if I want to add anything further.  But I like the one house, most of it on the side of the shirt.  It’s not too overwhelming, and the blue and the white play nicely together.

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