Record Album Bags

I’ve been laboring over these last week and yesterday, I have a whole stack of fatherly LPs to progress through. But for now these will have to do. I sold my first ones — the Neil Young and the Prince — this weekend, and I’ll put the rest of them up for sale at this weekend’s Union Project event UnWrapped.

If you’re taking notes the albums are Elvis Costello – My Aim is True, Prince – 1999, Neil Young – two albums that I forget the names of, Talking Heads – Naked, and Making Flippy Floppy/Slippery People single, New Kids on the Block, Pink Floyd – The Wall, and Big Country.  My favorites – Talking Heads and Elvis Costello, no surprise.  But the Prince, I love the record album with the creepy single eye looking out from the center.  I’ve got to find something to do with that, thank you Prince